PBSO-PAL Chapters
Program Summary
First Serve is a member of the National Association of Police Athletic/Activities Leagues, Inc. (National PAL) works nationwide promoting the prevention of juvenile crime and violence by building relationships among kids, cops, and communities through positive engagement.
First Serve’s Jenny Gekas, COO, attends the Annual National PAL Conference & Training each year, and also attends NPAL Youth Summit with a number of our Mentors. This dynamic event is designed to empower young leaders and mentors through inspiring keynote speakers, interactive workshops, and engaging activities. Participants gain valuable insights into personal growth, leadership skills, and community safety, all while building lasting connections with peers and mentors.
Locally, First Serve and PBSO-PAL are community partners. We are able to provide many of the PBSO sites with tennis instruction and First Serve Life Skills Curriculum.

Strategic Partners

Get In Touch
(561) 203-5525‬
[email protected]‬
P.O Box 1353
West Palm Beach, FL 33402
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